- Blogs
Design Doc Template
0. Release Signoff Checklist
1. Summary
2. Motivation
2.1 Goals
2.2 Non-Goals
3. Proposal
3.1 User Stories (Optional)
3.2 Notes/Constraints/Caveats (Optional)
3.3 Risks and Mitigations
4. Design Details
4.1 API
4.2 Implementation
4.3 Test Plan
4.3.1 Prerequisite testing updates
4.3.2 Unit tests
4.3.3 Integration tests
4.3.4 e2e tests
4.4 Graduation Criteria
4.4.1 Alpha
4.4.2 Beta
4.4.3 GA
4.5 Upgrate / Downgrade Strategy
4.6 Version Skew Strategy
5. Production Readiness Review Questionnaire
5.1 Feature Enablement and Rollback
5.2 Rollout, Upgrade and Rollback Planning
5.3 Monitoring Requirements
5.4 Dependencies
5.5 Scalability
5.6 Troubleshooting
6. Implementation History
7. Drawbacks
8. Alternatives
9. Infrastructure Needed (Optional)